Dyzana Consulting is a very big advocate of humanitarian efforts throughout today’s markets. We are in the most exciting times with the latest entrepreneurial trends around the globe. We seek out efforts to be involved in providing key relationship connections, knowledge exchange, referrals for partnerships, investment opportunities, as well as providing consulting in a number of specialties as our way of giving back to these great endeavors. We support startups, organizations and companies that have humanitarian outreach that impact in a positive way the lives of people less fortunate than us!
One such organization that has been very impactful to our approach in providing the best possible good to its humanitarian efforts and is designed as a responsible organization is Global Food Exchange (https://www.globalfoodexchange.com) and its other company (https://www.globalfoodshare.com), with CEO Richard Lackey. We have been involved with this company on a number of different direct and indirect levels and we couldn’t be more proud of this organization and watch the growth impact around the globe today.
Global Food Exchange has a mission and a vision that we support and want to be a part of in spreading throughout the globe to ensure their goal is shared with as many as possible:
The mission of Global Food Exchange™ is to provide the world’s most efficient and effective standardized platform for sourcing extended shelf life dried food commodities, available where they are needed, when they are needed for market needs and humanitarian relief.
The vision of Global Food Exchange™ is to satisfy the global inefficiencies that exist in food trade and to advance the interests of our partners through innovative product development, economic transparency and excellence in stewardship.
Dyzana Consulting is also a vested investor into the financing end of the Global Food Exchange with the Global Security Food Fund (https://www.globalfoodsecurityfund.com) .
Dyzana Consulting is looking for other ventures and startups to be a part of for future amazing Humanitarian endeavors that turn the traditional upside down. If you would like to discuss opportunities with our company or have opportunities you think we would like to be aware of, fill out the form below:
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